The most important
question. Does God Exist?
I have read many books on God & heaven
for over 30 years. Not a long time
compared to people that dedicate their lives for the pursuit of God, but I
thought it was important to write about what I have found in my search. I tried
to condense 30 years in a few pages.
If there is an eternity, to me there is no
more important questions that we can ask ourselves that this.
Is there a God? Does that God care about us?
I hope this
document will prompt you into asking some important questions and help people seek
out more answers.
Turns out I have failed at just about
every command in the bible and am like everyone else being a “work in progress” and still learning and trying to get better. So,
I am writing this based on my faith journey.
It is written out of care and
hope that my experiences & homework just might help someone along their
path. If you know someone you think
might be interested, please pass this on.
Einstein, supposedly
said this statement, but whoever did, I believe they were correct.
“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though
nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”
If we are
not careful, we can get so busy with day to day worries and cares, that we lose
sight the miraculous amazing creation all around us. The amount of life and
beauty on this planet. The sheer awe of
looking up at the stars and contemplating the universe. As the bible said, in
Romans 1:20 “For since the creation of the world God's invisible
qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being
understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse."
Let’s start at the beginning. The
creation of the universe. How did something come from nothing?
The Science:
Some numbers
and science I read about them helped me to realize just how miraculous the
universe really is. And if there is a God, how much a higher level of
intelligence it would take to create not only the universe, but the thing we
know as love.
Theory: One popular framework, called string theory, suggests that there are at
least 10 dimensions of space plus one for time. Yep, that’s an
11-dimensional universe! (Why?)
You are a
miracle. Statistically, i.e. mathematically, you should not exist. You are Stardust ( carbon) that
somehow has come alive and became conscious. Let that sink in. We take that
for granted but should not.
physical world is wonder filled phenomenon.
Let’s look
more at the Physics and some of the numbers we take for granted.
It has been stated the big bang started with a
mass the size of a pencil tip. (The entire universe from a pencil tip, try and take that in. )
In the Book,
“The Language of God”, it explains If the amount of anti-matter vs matter
created during the big bang (quarks and anti-quarks) were equal, there would
have been complete annihilation right after the big bang, but for every
billion pair of quarks and anti-quarks, there was 1 extra quark. This exact
about of asymmetry lead to the creation of the universe that expanded precisely
as we need it to for us to exist. (More
positive than negative, a life lesson hidden there.)
For those of
us who were only taught about atoms in school, what is a quark? To put this into perspective, if an atom were
scaled to the size of a football field, a quark would be smaller than a grain
of sand on that field. This immense difference illustrates how quarks are
fundamental building blocks of matter, forming protons and neutrons, which in
turn make up atoms.
about the weight of the particles that make up the atom. It has a design too. If that design
if changed a bit, it changes the entire universe and again, none of us
exists. Like building a house, you need
a very specific building plan and materials list.
Neutron = 1
proton = .9986
So now we
have the big bang creating atoms and the original 4 elements of the
universe. Hydrogen, helium, lithium, berilium. Subsequent supernova created the remaining 88
element of the periodic table. (Gold was actually changed
into lead, bummer). Oxygen and Hydrogen would create water. The rare characteristic of water ( a solid, liquid, and gas) had far reaching consequences.
It would be an ideal carrier for our circulator system, but also make it an
ideal medium for moderation temperature changes that would allow our planet to
support life.
The same
laws that govern ten thousand billion billion stars among the hundred billion
galaxies of our universe stretching 15 billion light years, also govern the
chemical reaction of the .001 centimeters of a cell. But why do those laws exist? And how did the
come to exist?
What we
see as solid ground is not necessarily what we think it is.
The floor you are standing on is not solid. It is almost completely
vacuous space. If you made the nucleus of an atom 4 inches, the cloud of
electrons around it would extend to 4 miles away. Iron is 99.9999xxxx% free space made to feel
solid by ethereal fields of force. The
bit of matter that actually exists in the atom is not
really matter, but instead made of energy. (Einstein discovered that the basis
of matter is really energy.)
The insights
of molecular biology have revealed a complexity at every stage of life’s
processes such that if we were forced to rely on random mutations to process
them step by step, “eternity would not suffice” according to scientists.
What about your very complex brain? (Neurons and Dendrites) The human brain contains
approximately 86 billion to 100 billion neurons. Each neuron
typically has many dendrites, which can branch extensively to connect with
thousands of other neurons. While there is no exact count for the total number
of dendrites in the human brain, it is estimated that there could be trillions
of dendritic branches when considering the extensive branching
patterns of all neurons combined. If you were to count your estimated 2
trillion dendrites, 1 per second, it would take you 63,420.5 years.
More things
to consider……..
DNA is the
blueprint of life.
Your DNA
is found in every one of the trillion cells of a newborn baby (except red blood cells) .
If the dna in your body was placed end to end, it would reach the
sun and back over 600 times
If all 3
billion letters of human genome was stacked 1
millimeter apart, it would reach a height of 7000 times the empire state
A complete 3
billion base genome would take 3 gigabytes of storage space
DNA is
designed to make you unique. Why? For sex to work,
each of parents DNA must be willing to relinquish half. The process witch DNA
is halved is call meiosis. Don’t lose sight of the fact that this is all
molecules at work. There is no brain. The wisdom in built in. Why?
There is
much more evidence in molecular biology as well, but I think you get the
point. J
snowflake is unique. Why? Why does a caterpillar turn into a butterfly?
Who would believe a mixture of every color in the rainbow is white? J
All this
complexity stacked on top of more complexity.
I have heard
it describe this way. If you jumble up a bunch of letters, you might get random
words, but you never get full sentences.
They give stats on odds of getting complete sentences to form a novel.
The problem is every time you rejumble the letters, you lose the words you had.
That is why the odds of all of these complex things
coming together to form intelligent life are basically 0. We have left out many
levels in between the big bang and you reading this. There are just too many complexities stacked
up in a row for me to possibly surmise this is all an accident. From atoms to laws of gravity, to DNA, to
the way our cells work to the distance our planet is from the sun.
science alone cannot prove or disprove God’s existence, I think it takes
more faith to believe all this is an “accident” than to believe there is a God
whose knowledge greatly exceeds ours.
story of the watch
A man finds a watch lying on the ground if the forest. He concludes the
watch has a maker because is it so complex. But the hand that picked up the
watch is made of cells, designed by complex DNA, and made up of dust of an
exploding star. The dust is in turn made up of atoms created to exact
specifications. The atoms are just wave
particles of energy. It is so much more complex than the watch. Why would we
think the watch has a maker, but the hand does not?
Questions to
ask ourselves at this point: Why would we not believe a higher power
created all this? Have we given it
proper consideration? Are out beliefs because of a person’s or group’s actions
in history or in our life? Was it something
someone said? Please take time to reflect and examine if you have doubts what
they really are. Doubts are normal, but do we understand why do we have them
and what they really are? Can we list
the top 3 doubts? Has someone else ever
had the same doubts but answered them?
Have we fully investigated and gone further? How would our life’s
change if we found out God & eternity are real and his love for us is true?
If this information
leads us to believe that an intelligent design needs a designer and God exists,
why did he create us? Could He really
want a relationship with us?
Church Hurt
I think any
conversation about existence of God, must discuss church hurt. So many people have walked away from their faith
journey because they were hurt by someone or some group of people in a church
or professed to be people of faith. I
would like to point out that Jesus was probably the biggest example of church
hurt. He called the religious leaders
“Blind guides, Snakes, Hypocrites” because they were. They crucified him as the most extreme church
hurt in history. William Tyndale, the
first to translate the Bible into English, faced significant persecution for
his work. On October 6, 1536, Tyndale was executed by strangulation, and his
body was subsequently burned at the stake near Brussels. His last words
reportedly included a prayer for the King of England to have a Bible in his own
language. Let me say that there are good
people and bad people, and I would ask you to set aside “bad people” in your
search for truth. Not disregard them, but also, to not let them stop your
search as so many have done. More about
“church” later.
Religion vs Faith vs
Works vs Relationship God?
Also, many
people get faith and religion confused.
Jesus was very critical with the religious leaders. I believe God
wants us to have faith and a personal “relationship” with Him and not man made
“religion”. I am not saying church is bad as hopefully that church is there
to point you to a personal relationship with God. But I am mostly speaking about faith in a
loving God that created the universe and all that we see, and more importantly
all that we don’t see (like heaven). I
personally don’t believe in blind faith, which is why I went on a fact-finding
tour. It has been said that doubt is a component of faith, and I agree. In the
end, we need to put a puzzle together without all the pieces and must come up
with an educated opinion of the complete picture. The Bible is a good book that
helps with the puzzle. I also think love
and the beautiful and miraculous things we can see help us with the puzzle of
life as well.
I think it is important to note that
I do not believe we get to heaven because of good works. We do good works
because we have the love of God in our hearts.
The criminal on the cross with Jesus said he deserved what he got, but
because he believed in Jesus, Jesus forgave him. "We deserve to die for
our crimes, but this man hasn’t done anything wrong" (Luke 23:41) . Jesus replied to the penitent thief with profound
assurance: "Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise"
(Luke 23:43) Jesus’s statement emphasizes themes of grace and redemption,
illustrating that even at the last moment, one can find forgiveness and eternal
life through faith in Christ.
What about the atrocities of all the
religions? They have killed many people
in the name of religion.
This is sad
and true. Evil people are everywhere, even in church. Unfortunately, a few bad people can spread a
lot of evil, and drive people away from God. But those atrocities are from man
and have existed outside of religion as well. Political groups, wars over land,
etc have also done the same thing. Even the Indian
tribes in North America before we came to this content with “religion” had
wars. The key constant is man.
Gandhi was
quoted as saying,
“I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians.
Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.”
That is sad,
but there is some truth in it. However, Gandhi also once said “I am a Hindu, Muslim and Christian" as
So on the flip
side, there are also many more people saved all over the world every day by
good people of faith. I recently boarded
a plane in Houston that had 4 unassociated groups going to help people in a
foreign country. Doctors and Nurses and
others who could have been going to Hawaii, :-) but instead were going to the
poor and sick to help and heal. People can choose to be good or evil. (That
“free will” thing). The Church exist to teach about God & love &
spirituality. If your church does not teach love, I would be careful. That
means if you know someone who is white, black, red, or purple, straight, gay , had a sex change, has tattoos, belly button rings, drug addict, married, single, divorced, a prostitute, or a crooked tax collector, we are still supposed to love that person and
treat them how we want to be treated.
Difficult task, but a worthy one.
The Church is God’s plan for us to learn about Him and
ourselves. We learn faster with mentors. We do this with a community of others to help
each other. But, we all have issues 😊
. I used to skip going to church and
thought that was not a big deal. I tried a few times but could not find one I
liked. I had all sorts of excuses to not go.
😊 I finally found a church that I
liked, and after going for many years now, I realize that Church is the place where I can get help to learn about life, heal,
find new friends, and grow spiritually as a person. (Plus get doughnuts.) One hour a week it not a lot, but it can
change everything for you and your family and friends. I only wish I started earlier.
We went to school all day for years to learn to read and
write, and a lot of information we will never use. (Insert algebra or many other
subjects here.) I guess I am saying it is well worth going
to church 1 hour a week. We don’t grow
without effort. We learn faster with mentors.
I think spiritual growth in today’s fast pace
society unfortunately seems to get a low priority.
Another question of
all the pain in the world?
A man says
to God, “I don’t think you even exist. If you do, why you don’t save all the
starving people in the world? Why
don’t you just help them? “
God answers him saying “I
did help them. I sent you. “
Many have
said, most of the pain in the world in cause by humans to other humans. I think there is evil in this is fallen
world. Contrast this with Love that is the opposite of evil. The bible tells us to love and that we are
loved more than we can imagine. If we could only all become the person with the
qualities the Bible teaches.
Love, Joy,
Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, Self-control.
Do people
attain that? I like to think we can get
better at it, but we will never be perfect this side of heaven.
there good and evil?
I think we
have evidence of good and evil in the world, (just think Hitler) and so I think
we have to choose about God & Jesus because our
choice affects others as well as ourselves. Not making a choice is deciding.
It has also
been said.
“The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't
I think the
idea here is to learn about how God love us so we can better spread love. Love
will overcome evil in the world. Every day we can make the world a little
better by spreading love to someone, somehow.
Why is there
evil? I don’t think we have free will
without allowing it. To choose love, we must be able to choose not to love.
Every time we are kind to someone & give love, we make the world a better
place. We will never know why all the
pain exists, but with choice, people can choose to be bad as well as good. God
gave us the ability to choose to love, and Jesus showed us that love by dying
on the cross for us. There is no greater love.
What about
Jesus. Is he made up,
Just a prophet, The Christ?
In the Case for Christ* by Lee Strobel who was an investigative reporter,
his motive was to disprove the existence of Jesus..
after a year of dedicated research, he became a Christian. Why?
1. **Early Accounts of the Resurrection**:
- Strobel highlights that the accounts of Jesus’ resurrection were
written early, within a few years of the events, which undermines the idea that
they were later myths or legends. The Apostle Paul’s letters, like 1
Corinthians 15, reference the resurrection and are dated to about 20 years
after the event, reflecting an already established tradition.
2. **The Empty Tomb**:
- The discovery of the empty tomb is a central argument. According to
Strobel’s sources, the fact that women (whose testimonies were considered less
credible in ancient times) were reported to have found the empty tomb adds
authenticity to the account, as no one would invent such a detail if they were
fabricating the story.
3. **Post-Resurrection Appearances**:
- Strobel presents testimony from sources claiming that Jesus appeared to
more than 500 people after his resurrection. This includes personal encounters
with his disciples, who claimed to have seen, touched, and interacted with the
risen Christ.
4. **Transformation of the Disciples**:
- One of the most compelling proofs is the radical transformation of
Jesus’ disciples. After his crucifixion, they were disheartened and in hiding,
but after the resurrection, they became bold preachers willing to die for their
belief. Strobel’s interviewees argue that people would not willingly face
martyrdom unless they were convinced of the truth of the resurrection.
5. **Martyrdom of Early Christians**:
- Early Christian martyrs, including many of the apostles, went to their
deaths proclaiming that Jesus had risen. Strobel suggests that it is highly
unlikely they would willingly suffer and die for something they knew was false.
6. **The Conversion of Skeptics (James and Paul)**:
- James, the brother of Jesus, and Paul, a former persecutor of
Christians, both became key leaders in the early Christian movement. Their
conversions are used as evidence that they must have experienced something
extraordinary—such as a post-resurrection appearance of Jesus—that changed
their views radically.
7. **The Failure of Alternative Explanations**:
- Strobel investigates several alternative explanations, such as the
“Swoon Theory” (Jesus didn’t actually die),
hallucinations, or body theft, but finds them insufficient. For instance, he
argues that the idea of mass hallucinations is psychologically improbable and
that the Roman authorities or Jewish leaders would have produced Jesus’ body if
they had stolen it to quash the early Christian movement.
8. **Other Sources than the Bible**:
The Testimonium Flavianum is a passage from
the works of the first-century Jewish historian Flavius Josephus. The
Testimonium describes Jesus as a wise teacher who performed surprising deeds,
gained followers among both Jews and Greeks, was crucified under Pontius Pilate.
In addition to the Testimonium Flavianum, Josephus
also mentions Jesus indirectly in another passage regarding James, described as
"the brother of Jesus, who was called Christ" (Antiquities 20.9)
The testimony: More
on the eyewitnesses
Is the story
about Jesus trustworthy?
Peter said “God has raised this
Jesus to life, and we are all witnesses of it”. Most of the apostles were tortured and
murdered. You will die for something you believe in, but no one will die for
something they know to be a lie when there is no benefit. So why were all the apostles willing to be
die for Jesus and the fact he was resurrected, and they saw him? They died for him years later, so
they would not have been under some emotional rush of the moment. In fact, their first reaction right after he
was crucified, was that they scattered in fear and were in hiding, so they were
not your “brave warrior” types. J What gave them this new courage to now die
for him vs just recanting and go back to fishing and making a normal living? If we put ourselves in their shoes, it would
be only 1 thing. We did see Jesus resurrected. I believe, based on my research,
it was the resurrection of Christ that did this. And how is it that what Jesus did has
changed the world more than anyone in the history? Jesus was not a rich leader, he was a carpenter from a small village.
Remember also that biblical story about Jesus was not just a story, but
an event in history as
there is documentation outside the bible about this. In that time, some said about Jesus that his
body was stolen, or that he was not really dead when
he was crucified. It is not that he never existed or that the tomb was not
empty. The real question is “how did the
tomb become empty?”. So, the resurrection is a matter of who you believe about
the events that took place. This is tough for most of us, because unless you
have seen a miracle, it is naturally hard to accept. The logical mind looks for
logical explanations, or at least, mine did.
But this if we think about the miracles it took to create us, and all
the miracles that happen around the world, why is it difficult for us to
believe in a miracle that was prophesied in the old testament? Especially when Jesus fulfilled so many of
the prophecies.
I have been to Ephesus (see acts in the bible.) It was an amazing city. These people were
very advanced for their day. Libraries, shops, doctors’ offices, 2 coliseums,
indoor heating. They were as intelligent
and we are today, maybe more so because of all the skills it took to survive.
One thing is they were lacking is the technology we have, but I am not sure
that makes a difference. Socrates (c. 470–399 BC) is often regarded
as the father of Western philosophy. Socrates emphasized ethics and virtue
through dialogues and questioning, influencing countless thinkers after him. It was amazing to see
Ephesus firsthand and after going there, I realized the people that wrote the
New Testament were much more advanced than I had previously thought. So, I
could not use the excuse that these people were just easy to fool. One more point is that it has been said that
we must either believer Jesus was who he said he is, or he was crazy. He didn’t leave us room to just say he was a
wise man, because he claimed to be the messiah.
Modern Miracles
And since miracles are still happening today with our modern science as
well, it lends credence to their testimony. And what about all the testimony
over the centuries of people that have seen angels, miracles, Heaven or the
risen Jesus? This also goes against our
logic. How can there be so many with
these experiences?
Then there are people who have not seen any miracles, angels, etc, but does that mean we dismiss the testimony of the people that did? If you did not see a car accident, and you were not at the scene, does your testimony contradict there was a wreck? Or would you believe the people that saw the wreck if they were credible? People that have had these experiences are doctors, lawyers, professors, etc. Many whom have shared their experiences had to deal with ridicule or even death. The sheer amount of this type of testimony is a factor as well. I grant that some cases are not true, but many are true and verifiable.
In the book
imaging heaven, many people that have clinically died ( NDE) said they are asked one question. “What have you done with the life I gave
you?” I think I need to ask
myself that question every day. :-)
People from
all over the world who have died and been resuscitated have had similar
experience. There was even a Harvard brain surgeon who did not believe in God
or these experiences until after he had his NDE.
One common
thing I read in books about heaven, is that it is more beautiful than anything
we can imagine and there is more love that words can communicate. That
testimony of love that Jesus had for us, and the love in heaven can be life
The Bible.
I have read
it multiple times and am not an expert, but if I was to sum it up for you in a
few short sentences, it might go like this.
We are not
perfect, God is. God loves us. He
wants us to love him, and love others. So much so, he sent his son
to die on the cross, then raise again just to save us. But he gives us a
choice (free will) to do so, meaning we can choose to love or not love
Him. He also provided His word so that
we would know what life He wants for us, and a universe that points us to him.
I believe
the choice we make with all this info has eternal ramifications. I would ask that we all at least re-read
the New Testament again to find out what Jesus did and what he said for
us. I have also studied the Koran,
Bhagavad Gita, and the philosophy of Taoism along with others, but after all
the study, I came to the conclusion that Christ is who
he said he was. That since miracles are
possible, so was him rising as he said he would fulfilling
the prophesies of the old testament.
Atheism or Agnostic?
I have read
books and articles about atheism too. But there are 4 major problems with the
logic that I have.
dismissing all the eyewitness testimony of millions of people who have had
experiences with God throughout the centuries.
all, but many seem to have a god, we just seemed have swapped God’s role with Science, and faith in God for faith in science.
Skipping the question of who created the “pencil
tip” that started the big bang and where did all the original “laws” of the
universe emerge. You can’t start the story in the middle.
science as philosophy. Science was meant to examine how the universe is
built, and not meant to answer “why” the universe exists or why it is as
it is, or who created it.
There is no
way to disprove God exists, but there is plenty of testimony that He does
exist. For scientists who believe there is only science, why would they ignore
the evidence? When the human genome project mapped our DNA, the world’s most
prominent atheist Anthony Flew recanted his atheism for a belief in a higher
being. He said he followed the evidence, and it was overwhelming that there had
to be intelligent designer for the design.
Why do the laws of nature and of the universe lead to intelligent life? It did not have to be that way. How sad is it
that he convinced thousands of impressionable young people at college
throughout the years to not believe in God, only to later admit he was wrong.
If we had a
trial to determine if there was a God, would we dismiss all the eyewitnesses
& testimony for God? Why is it ok
that atheists do this out of hand?
Life Lessons
What is the
meaning of life? Have you ever thought
of why are we conscious enough to even ask that question?
In the book
“Hiking Through”, Paul thought that himself and his wife Mary would work hard,
get out of debt, retire early, and enjoy life. But within 4 months of
retirement, his wife was dead from cancer. He felt when he needed God, that God
was not available. He was angry with God.
people get bitter because they have lost someone, and Paul had to deal with
those emotions too. For me, after reading “Imagine Heaven”, that vision became more real because
of people sharing their after death and being revived experiences. I fully
believe that people who have a relationship with Jesus who have passed, are in
a place more beautiful and loving than we can possibly imagine. That make sense
to me because whomever created all that we see and don’t see could easily
create a heaven as well. It seems to me death is merely a transition, not an
Later when
Paul went hiking the Appalachian Trail, he found that God was trying to
speak to him, but he had always just been too busy to hear. He had been living too fast, too busy to see.
stresses of life blind us. Our eyes behold, but we do not grasp the greatness
of what God placed here for our enjoyment. “
How often
has God placed people in our daily path that can help us, or that we are
supposed to help, but we are just too busy.
Sometimes, a few kind words can change someone’s day or path in life.
No one has a
guarantee of Tomorrow. Tell our loved ones today how we feel.
I think CS
Lewis summed this up very well when he said “Aim at heaven and you will get
earth thrown in. Aim at earth and you get neither.”
Summation – Love
I believe
there is overwhelming evidence for me to have a reasonable faith in a loving
God who created the entire universe and created us for two reasons. The 2 commandments that Jesus gave.
From Mathew
Chapter 22.
which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”
37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all
your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’[c] 38 This
is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the
second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[d] 40 All
the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”
1. To have free
will so we can choose to Love God.
2. To
love others.
I hope this
gets your thinking and you take some time to really ask yourself what you
believe and why or why not. Then what should or could you do about it?
Let me ask
you this. How many miracles do we need to read about before it makes sense for
us to believe in God & Jesus? 1, 10,
100, 1000, 1,000,000? Those numbers
exist. There are many documented cases of these miracles with many eyewitnesses.
So, I think the real question is “what or who is at the core of our
Just today I
saw a story on the news where a man died in a hospital and was pronounced dead.
His heart was stopped for 50 minutes. A pastor was praying over his dead
body with the man’s son, and his heart started beating. The doctors and nurses
said it was a miracle. This happened in a major hospital in Chicago with tons
of witnesses.
Still, I read some people who posted comments
about this article that said it must just a mistake by the doctors &
nurses. It is easier for them to believe that professionally trained doctors,
could not tell a man was dead & that all the equipment attached to the man
also somehow failed, then when they moved him, they still couldn’t tell. Then just coincidentally the prayer he
started breathing enough so people could tell he was alive. It was interesting
to me that they made up evidence that did not exist to change the story to what
they wanted to believe vs accepting the facts reported by multiple people in
the hospital.
These types of things have been
happening throughout history. In the bible there is testimony to many miracles
that Jesus performed, and these miracles are still happening around us every
day. So whatever number of miracles we need to believe, that numbers exist. We just need to do the research.
I think God
has placed plenty of evidence all around us that is sufficient for us to
believe in him. The question seems more to be “Will we take the time to look
for God & Jesus?”.
If you do
believe in God, but have wandered away or not sure what to do, maybe you could
ask Jesus right now to come into your heart?
Any words will do as God knows your thoughts. J Example: “Father, thank you for sending your son
Jesus to die for my sins and to show me just how much you love me. Please give
me wisdom to guide me to you, forgiveness for my mistakes, and help me to
better love you, myself, and others. ”
I wish
you peace, joy, love and light. Please pass this on
to someone who might need to read it.
Remember, there is no guarantee any of
us will be here tomorrow so please love someone today. I hope you have a blessed day :-)
Some books I
Through, The Hidden Face of God, Imagine Heaven, Mere Christianity, The
Language of God,
The Holy Bible ( start with John)
Your friend
even if we have never met.